STORY OF SEASONS – Localization Blog #2, GOOO!

Excelsior, true believers!

Lately, I’ve been working to finish up the last of Story of Seasons’ localization files. Most of those, as chance would have it, were the “TV” files we’d intentionally saved ‘til last. Usually, when localizing, we’ll prioritize files that contain things like text that appears in the user interface, character and place names, or items, because those things are often referenced in other files. We work our way down the list until we get to the most self-contained text, and in this case, TV text was it.

For those not yet in the know, you can get a TV for your house in Story of Seasons. It’s not available right away, and it’s even possible you could go through the game and never see it, if you didn’t make it a point to get one. That’d be a shame, though, because its strange and wondrous mishmash of public access channels often tell entertaining stories all their own.

It might surprise you to know that somewhere between 1/6 and 1/7 of the game’s total text is tied up in these TV files. They’re quite large, and to experience all the series you can watch will take no small amount of devotion. There’s quite the lineup, too! If you’re in the mood for mystery and suspense, there’s the great whodunnit “Murder at Black Gull Villa.” If a bizarre yet light-hearted bit of reality TV is what you’re looking for, tune in for “Search for the Legendary Chef.” There’s even a crazy farm-themed sentai show, the “Mighty Munchin’ Veggie Rangers,” which had me laughing at more than a few of its cornball jokes.

Tuning in can also be educational, as with the series I’m currently editing, “Oak Tree Times.” Intrepid reporter Kassie Oakley brings you the latest about each resident, interviewing them and sharing amusing anecdotes. Sometimes she’ll have special guests that shed some outside light on characters. Ever wondered how out-of-towners regard Raeger’s restaurant? Curious about Klaus’s colorful past? Want to know more about nurse Angela’s bedside manner (and how she administers shots)? Or what Iris’s current and former literary agents have to say about her work? By watching Oak Tree Times, you can find answers to these questions, and more. As somewhat of a lore hound myself, I really enjoy opportunities like this to see characters fleshed out and come more into their own as individuals.

You can also tune in to “Oak Tree Tips,” an educational program that reminds you of features in the game that you might’ve lost track of while juggling those ten different crops you grow, the eight different animals you’re shearing for wool, and those three people you’re trying to simultaneously date. A gentle reminder that you can, say, cultivate pearls, or that spraying perfume on a beehive will increase your chance of harvesting high-quality honey, might be just the tip-off you need to start you on the road to raking in the big Gs.

Of course, there are more programs than just these, but I wouldn’t want to give away the fun of channel surfing as you sit on your virtual couch while also possibly sitting on your real couch.

While it IS ultimately supplemental, television in Story of Seasons is meant to be the best kind of frivolous entertainment. You can flip it on, see what’s out there, and veg out (ehh? ehhh?!) to some truly weird shows, or even get a head start on planning your next day with Lillie’s weather reports. However you choose to play, I hope that when you’ve established yourself as a farmer, you’ll buy yourself a TV and see what hidden gems await you in the wonderful world of local broadcast television.

+ Nick

P.S. Here’s a couple of new English screenshots. Enjoy!

